By Heroin Memorial on Monday, 21 January 2019
Category: Dear Heroin

Dear Heroin: You Took My Mom.

Dear Heroin, You took my mom.

Not only did you take her you stole her, but you also stole her love for our family and me, you stole her health and care, you stole the one person I was meant to trust. I know my mother didn't start with you, she's ending with you and she isn't dead yet, but she isn't alive either. Heroin, you have destroyed me, and I'm not even a user. You've made my mother abandon me, made her steal, break laws, lose jobs, ruin her health, you've made her unstable and reliant of you. My mother with her many mental disabilities fell victim to your hold, you embrace her and I wish she could let go. I used to wish all of the time that she could stop using and work really hard and become the mother I want and need.

But, every time she got sober or went to rehab you were there to pick her up when she exited their doors. I know my mother, like millions of others, is not perfect and I pray for her and other people I see on drugs every day. I wish and pray to God that someday she will finally be released and will fully be okay again. I pray every day for her safety. Heroin you aren't the only problem here, there are millions of people that enable your use and even more people that do other drugs too. I wish opium was not abused. I wish drug use and abuse was not real. I wish I could have the woman back that raised me, but I know everything happens for a reason. I know that God has a plan for everything.

But I am sick and tired of sitting back and seeing the drug dealers be set free from prison, the manufacturers and users getting slaps on the wrist. I hope it doesn't happen but I wouldn't be surprised if my mom overdosed and died from heroin. She's overdosed before and has been lucky enough to live. My mom has 5 kids and lost her parental rights to all of her kids over a decade ago. I wish I could wipe the slate clean of heroin, but then again as I've stated before everything happens for a reason. Heroin, I hope you get the justice you deserve.

Sincerely, A pissed off member of society that is suffering under your wrath

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