By Heroin Memorial on Monday, 18 July 2016
Category: Share Your Loss

Heroin Memorial - 2016/03/13 - Darrin Lucas - Age 21 yrs - Hillsboro, Missouri

2016/03/13 - Darrin Lucas - Age 21 yrs - Hillsboro, Missouri

Submitted by: Jessica Barker - Spouse

Name: Darrin Lucas
State:  Missouri, 63050

Date of Passing: 03/13/2016
Date of Birth: 03/06/1995
Age: 21 

Tell Us About Them:

Darrin was the smartest person i have ever met. You could ask him any math question and he would have the right answer. He was a loving dad and fiance. His family always came first no matter what. Darrin loved spending time with his daughter. She was his whole world. He would always put a smile on anyones face. No matter if you wanted to smile or not.

Tell Us About Their Struggles With Addiction:

Darrin has struggled with his addiction for the past three years. It started with pills, then moved on to "harder" drugs for a better "high" after we had our daughter two years ago Darrin didn't want to be a drug addict anymore. Every day he struggled with these demons he was facing. He would get clean, & "slip up". Darrin didn't know another way out of his own mind. He thought he was alone in this fight. He felt he was worthless & he wouldn't amount to anything. He was talked down to all his life he started to believe it. But to me & his daughter he was our whole world & the best person to be around. He wasn't alone in this fight. He just didn't know how to fight anymore.

What Made Them Smile?

Darrin loved to spend time with our daughter & I. Everytime she looked at him i could see him fall in love all over again. She was so priceless to him. When he was with her he could take on the world. I've never seen him as happy as i did when he held her.

What Do You Miss the Most About Them?

I miss Darrins love the most. I miss seeing him dance with our daughter & is cuddling on the couch watching a scary movie & talking for hours every time. I miss him coming home & just wanting to hold us & make us laugh. I miss him big smile. I miss his perfect voice. I just miss him.

If You Had a Chance to Say One More Thing to Your Angel What Would It Be?

I wish i could tell Darrin how much i loved him & that my world is so emtpy without him. I wish i could tell him how amazing he is & what a great dad he truly was. I wish i could tell him he does have people who love him & that would give ANYTHING for a second chance.

#AskMeAboutMyAngel #HeroinMemorial #GoneToSoon 

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#AskMeAboutMyAngel  #HeroinMemorial  

 Below is a video our nonprofit here created from pictures that members from the private group at Heroin Memorial gave us permission to use in our public YouTube video to help break the STIGMA around addiction.

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